Update: 31. 12. 2014

30. 12. 2014

29. 12. 2014

Winter competition Kácov

Luděk Šilhavý & Harlequin Gumby
level IPO 3 - the 2nd place

Luděk Šilhavý & Aero European K9 training base
level ZM - the 1st place

Karolína Kočová & Carmen Kelly Box
level ZVV 1 - the 4th place

Judges : Michaela Kuncová, Martin Matoušek
Bitehelpers : Ondřej Lodinský, Milan Římek

Photogallery here

17. 12. 2014
new video - Passo Pepper Akagera - video from his training

16. 12. 2014
new video - Pride of Russia Shagira - video from her training

13. 12. 2014
ZTP in Südpfalz, judge Hans Wiblishauser (D), bitehelper Patrik Ruffer
passed Akiro von Moschko - 1A

9. 12. 2014
new video - Russkaja Mechta Krutoi Kozak - video from his training

4. 12. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

21. 11. 2014
new video - Fifi vom Mesumer Land - video from her first protection

17. 11. 2014
Akiro von Moschko passed IPO 2
Cash European K9 training base passed IPO 3

16. 11. 2014
AK47 European K9 training base passed BH

11. 11. 2014

World championship ATIBOX WM-FH

Karolína Kočová & Carmen Kelly Box
level FPr 1 - the 1st place (95 p.)

Judge : Dieter Strnad (D)

5. 11. 2014
updated : train/trained with us

2. 11. 2014
new video - Akiro von Moschko - video from his training

30. 10. 2014
new pictures from training in Spain are here.

29. 10. 2014
new video - Ivy - video from her training

26. 10. 2014
Akiro von Moschko passed IPO 1
Cash European K9 training base passed IPO 2
Ivy passed IPO 3

25. 10. 2014
our new dog : Fifi vom Mesumer Land

13. 10. 2014
new pictures from national championship of juniors are here.

12. 10. 2014

National championship of juniors

Karolína Kočová & Carmen Kelly Box
level ZVV 1 - the 1st place
90, 83, 96 - the best protection of every levels

Judges : Jaroslav Venhauer, Milan Oliva
Bitehelpers : Lukáš Slowioczek, Vojtěch Konečný

11. 10. 2014

Czech körung of german shepherds in Pohořelice

Judd Grey Wolf-Moravia
- Kkl 1.
- With the best code - 5JY1/P

Judge : Ing. Karel Strouhal
Bitehelper : Jiří Štěpař

10. 10. 2014

National championship of dobermanns

Luděk Šilhavý & Harlequin Gumby
level IPO 3 - the 3rd place

Karolína Kočová & Russkaja Mechta Krutoi Kozak
level IPO 3 - the 5th place

Judges : Renata Machová - Angelovová, Jaroslava Mikulecká
Bitehelpers : Milan Římek, Jiří Mach

1. 10. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

28. 9. 2014
Bastien vom Freyer Tal passed ZTP

20. 9. 2014
new pictures from FCI IPO 3 World championship are here.

16. 9. 2014

24th FCI IPO 3 World championship, Malmö - Sweden

Luděk Šilhavý & Harlequin Gumby
90, 82, 81 - 253

Judges : Urs Meyer, Gerold Scheyrer, Arcon Hari

8. 9. 2014

Elimination competition for WCH of boxers

Karolína Kočová & Carmen Kelly Box
level IPO 1 - the 1st place
(track - 91 p., protection - 92 p.)

Judges : Jaromír Hlaváč, Ing. Miroslav Ulč

29. 8. 2014
Passo Pepper Akagera passed BH
Bastien vom Freyer Tal passed IPO 1
Cash European K9 training base passed IPO 1
Ivy passed IPO 2

25. 8. 2014
Aero European K9 training base passed ZM
Judd Grey Wolf-Moravia passed ZVV 1
Carmen Kelly Box passed ZVV 1
Cash European K9 training base passed ZVV 1
Alexandrus Magnus Villi Virta passed ZVV 1

23. 8. 2014
puppies the 39th day here.

16. 8. 2014
puppies the 32nd day here.

14. 8. 2014
new pictures from K9 canistherapy summer camp of vocational school for handicap students are here.

6. 8. 2014
puppies the 22nd day here.

4. 8. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

3. 8. 2014
Akiro von Moschko passed BH

2. 8. 2014
New dog in our training : Bastien vom Freyer Tal

24. 7. 2014
puppies the 9th day here.

23. 7. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

21. 7. 2014
Interview in the magazine Psí sporty.


20. 7. 2014
Family Dobes Alluring Riva passed IPO 2

17. 7. 2014
puppies the 2nd day here.

14. 7. 2014
our new dog : Baris von Pompom

13. 7. 2014
new pictures from German ZTP in Čejtice are here.

12. 7. 2014
Foebus du Manoir de Rouge Camp passed ZTP
Alexa vom Freyer Tal passed ZTP
Results are here

10. 7. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

8. 7. 2014
updated : train/trained with us

3. 7. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

25. 6. 2014
updated : vdeogalleries

23. 6. 2014
new pictures from Zentralkörung are here.

21. 6. 2014
Russkaja Mechta Krutoi Kozak passed Zentralkörung
Results are here

20. 6. 2014
new pictures from the lecture on ethology in cynology for Secondary School of Veterinary Branch in Budweiser are here.

19. 6. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

13. 6. 2014
updated : photogalleries

11. 6. 2014
updated : train/trained with me, trainers, stud males trained by us

1. 6. 2014
new pictures by Karolína Kočová from World championship of dobermanns ( the 2nd part - Sunday ) are here.

31. 5. 2014
Judd Grey Wolf-Moravia passed BH
Foebus du Manoir de Rouge Camp passed IPO 1
Ivy passed IPO 1

30. 5. 2014
new pictures by Karolína Kočová from World championship of dobermanns ( the 1st part - Friday, Saturday ) are here.

25. 5. 2014

World championship of dobermanns

Lozorno, Slovakia

23. - 25. 5. 2014

Harlequin Gumby & Luděk Šilhavý

World champion IPO 3, CACIT, CACT

the best obedience - 98 p.

21. 5. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

18. 5. 2014
Aero European K9 training base passed BH
Carmen Kelly Box passed FPr1
Alexandrus Magnus Villi Virta passed BH
Cash European K9 training base passed BH

17. 5. 2014
Family Dobes Alluring Riva passed IPO 1

16. 5. 2014
new dogs in our training : Akiro von Moschko, Alexa vom Freyer Tal, Go On Forever Excellent Echo

11. 5. 2014

Czech national championship of boxers

Karolína Kočová & Carmen Kelly Box
level IPO 1 - 1st place ( track - 99 b. )

Judges : Břetislav Ťujík, Stanislav Beníšek

3. 5. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

21. 4. 2014
added entry for ZTP and proposition

18. 4. 2014
updated information about 16th K9 summer school

17. 4. 2014
new video - training in Spain

31. 3. 2014
new dog in our training : Bombardero European K9 training base

30. 3. 2014
new pictures from the training in Spain are here.

21. 3. 2014
our new dog : Judd Grey Wolf-Moravia

17. 3. 2014
the best working dobermann of the y. 2014 of our national dobermann club
the 1st place - Harlequin Gumby
the 3rd place - Russkaja Mechta Krutoi Kozak

12. 3. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

1. 3. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

25. 2. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

24. 2. 2014
puppies the 49th day here.

21. 2. 2014
new video - Fedor Mir - Jar

20. 2. 2014
new video - our dogs

15. 2. 2014
puppies the 40th day here.

13. 2. 2014
new dog in our training : Pride of Russia Shagira

8. 2. 2014
puppies the 33rd day here.

2. 2. 2014
puppies the 27th day here.

1. 2. 2014
new dogs for sale : Hulck Halit Paša, Alexandrus Magnus Villi Virta, Cash European K9 training base

29. 1. 2014
puppies the 23rd day here.

28. 1. 2014
new pictures from the training in Spain are here.

21. 1. 2014
puppies the 15th day here.

20. 1. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

18. 1. 2014
puppies the 12th day here.

11. 1. 2014
puppies the 5th day here.

9. 1. 2014
new pictures from the training are here.

1. 1. 2014
new pictures from the seminar in Brasil are here.


 © International dog school K9 :: Design: Lucie Skopalová :: Webmaster: Sarah J Beck